Our friend Libbey Green wrote the following:
February 5, 2014
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Libby Green. I am an American volunteer worker that was able to attend the Dunamis Project conference in Karakol, Kyrgyzstan in January. Pastor Allen, Pastor Debbie, and Gary all did a wonderful job with this conference. They also included the Father’s Love portion and it was just what this soul needed! I cannot say enough, “Thank you for allowing them to come and minister to us in Kyrgyzstan!” This time really was a highlight of my Christmas vacation. I was also very excited to come back to my church here in Bishkek and share everything!
During this time God did many meaningful things in my life and also other the people that attended the conference. One lady said, “She has been praying for this conference to happen and it was such a blessing!” Another lady said, “God showed her things she had never shared with others! I know this was totally from my Savior!” I am so excited for the next portion of Dunamis to come to Kyrgyzstan!
In Him,
Libby Green
Testimony in Bishkek 1
Testimony in Bishkek 2