Thursday, December 29, 2016

We are not special to God because we are “good,” we are good because we listen.

Christians often ask, “How did Jesus do it?” Meaning, how did He live his live so perfectly, “without sin?” Without breaking any single commandment.

In recent years I have been seeing that a key to Jesus’ obedience was His ability to hear His Father’s voice and thus to do His Father’s will unblinkingly. I have tended to, in the past, think of “obedience” as “doing the right thing,” keeping the letter of the Law, doing the opposite of what my sinful nature wants to do. But I am discovering even further now, this is not God’s intent. In fact, it wasn’t His intent from the very beginning when He called his children, the nation of Israel, out of Egypt to be to Him His “special, treasured possession.” (Exodus 19:5)

In the Biblical Hebrew language, the word we translate “obey” primarily means “listen/hear.” I remember my mother at times very frustrated with me as a child and saying “Why can’t you listen to me.” Well, I was “hearing” her but I wasn't “listening.” In other words, we may hear someone speaking but in our hearts and minds we aren’t really “listening,”  we’re just doing our own thing, probably even rebelling or thinking of some caustic retort.

Exodus 19 is the account of Moses going up on the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments from God. It is these Ten Commandments that truly distinguish Jews and Christians from the sinful, pagan nations. But, I am asking here, is it “obedience to the law” that makes us Christian or Jews, like circumcision for the Jew or tithing for the Christian? No. And it never has been. The apostles in Acts 15:10 realized that the law was “a yoke neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear.” In other words, “no one can get it right.”

How did Jesus do it? In the same way God intended from the beginning with his people Israel as we see in Exodus 19:5 (My very literal translation of the Hebrew): “Now” (since you’ve seen how I delivered you from slavery in Egypt, vss 1-4), “if you listen to hear my voice and keep watch over my covenant, you shall be to me a treasured possession” (particular, special, protected possession).

We are not special to God because we are “good,” we are good because we listen. Jesus listened and He did everything He saw His Father doing and spoke only what he heard His Father saying. That's what made Him perfect. Perfect means complete, whole, healthy, good.

Hebrews 5:8 says about Jesus, “Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered.” What? Jesus had to learn obedience from suffering? Again, the Biblical word for obedience has the root “hear,” literally it means “to listen under,” i.e. to hear and submit, to do what His Father was telling him.

God said to Jesus (Hebrews 5:5) “You are my Son, today I have become your Father.” Sons and daughters listen to their Papa. Like Jesus we too at times “offer up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears” (vs. 7) on behalf of the lost world around us, in the face of persecution or grave illness. But even in the midst of huge suffering, even death on a cross, we can say to our Father “into thy hands I commit my spirit” or “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

You are God’s treasured possession! He has hidden you in His heart, in a safe place. No matter what may be happening externally in your life, He wants to hear your voice and you to hear His. Obedience is nothing more than reverent, submissive listening and then doing. And as we center ourselves  in Papa’s love, reverent submission becomes  a joy and delight. When we  are experiencing Father delighting in us, delighting in Him comes naturally and easily. That’s how Jesus did it.     

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Christmas in the Spring

Psalm 63
We sang a song when I was  in college at the AO House. “Thy Loving Kindness is better than life… my lips shall praise thee, thus will I bless thee, I will lift up my hands in thy name.” Verse 3 in Hebrew reads “Since/because your hesed is better than life, my lips shall praise you.” “Life” here isn’t “the meaning of life” or "value of a life" but life as in nature, as in green plants, running streams of water, fresh air, sunshine.  Nature at its best. A walk in the mountains on a sunny, warm day. So God’s loving faithful kindness is better than this? Just how does that work?

If we think of God’s love as a concept, and idea, even a principle, it remains in our thoughts as an abstraction, perhaps even a philosophy or ethic. “That’s nice… next.”  But is this how we experience nature when we take a walk on a beautiful spring day after a cold, wet winter? No!

We deeply breathe in the fresh air, we open our eyes wide to see the beauty of new life, we listen to the sounds of trees rustling in the wind and birds chirping age old songs. We richly inhale the aromas of flowers, green grasses, and budding trees. We even shed as much of our clothing as we dare so our skin can touch and feel the warm sun and the fresh dry air.  In other words, nature is to be experienced with all our senses. And then our senses touch our hearts and we say “I love walking in the woods, I love running through gardens, I love life.”

This indeed is how God wants us to experience His love, His “hesed,” which means faithful, reliable, trustworthy, unfailing love. God created us for love, to be experienced deeply in our bodies and in our souls.

Since it is almost Christmas, when we celebrate God come into the earth and living among us as a man, we can also celebrate God’s love coming into our hearts, into the deep recesses of our souls and filling us with his love like our lungs fill with air on a fresh spring day. Breathe deeply this Christmas season. Open your eyes, listen to the song. Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. 

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Monday, September 5, 2016

And What is the Way that is So Easily Forgotten?

I’ve just read Tedd Dekker’s novels AD 30 and AD 33. What great epic stories that  lead us into forgiving ourselves so we can know God as Father and live in the experience of God loving us here and now in His Kingdom on earth.

As believers we can have great revelations of God’s truth, experience many outpourings of His power, and even many in-fillings of His love. But they often seem to be something we “forget” or something that escapes from us when we really want to hold on to it. Good memories are precious, perhaps that’s why so many recall “the good old days”so handily. But what this is really saying is that we need ongoing, repeated, ever increasing revelations, outpourings and in- fillings.  Like a mother loving  her son, a father his daughter, a husband his wife… God desires we live in an ongoing, increasingly and continuous delighting relationships of pure love, like Jesus did with His Father and His followers. This isn’t something we give up on. It’s heaven come to earth, His will being done here and now in us, as it is and will be in heaven. Loving and being loved, here and now.

Here’s some of the great final dialog from AD33 (page 349).

 “Tell me, Saba,” I said, following his eyes. “How can one see the eternal realm of the Father here on earth?”

He nodded. “By placing your identity in Yeshua’s identity. Only then can you see the Way.” “And what is that Way that is so easily forgotten?”

 Saba thought only a brief moment. “In any given moment, you, as the son, the daughter, of the Father, believe in and so are mastered by one of two perceptions of reality. One is seen in flesh—the passing system of the world, darkened by the knowledge of good and evil, deceiving and so enslaving all those sons and daughters who put their faith in it. The other realm is seen in the light, the eternal dimension of the Father flowing with love and power without grievance.”

He paused. “Yes?” “Yeshua, the second Adam, came as light into all darkness and undid what the first Adam did, restoring communion with the Father once more and making it possible for all who so choose to see in the light, and to know, as a child, their Father and his sovereign dimension of peace, power, and love, even now. This is eternal life—to know and so experience the Father and his eternal realm, now and beyond all time.”

My heart beat faster… I was eager to hear the rest. Saba continued. “Our journey is to now believe who we truly are, having been raised from the dark grave into that realm of light with and in Yeshua.”

He faced me. “Belief in Yeshua is this: identifying with him in his death, resurrection, and glory even now, he in you and you in him. Your true identity is this: you are the daughter of your Father, already made complete and whole, already at peace and full of power, though you often forget, each day, whenever you are blinded to your true identity and so search for and cling to whatever else might save you in this life.”

I smiled. Identity. It was all about our identity.

But Saba wasn’t done. He faced the desert again. “The only way to identify with your true identity is to let go of all other identities, and all offense that blocks your vision, and all vain imaginations of what else might fulfill you or save you from trouble in this life and that to come.”

“This is true surrender,” I said.

“Walking in the realm of the Father’s sovereign presence here on earth, we will find peace in the storms; we will walk on the troubled seas of our lives; we will not be poisoned by the lies of snakes; we will move mountains that appear insurmountable; we will heal all manner of sickness that has twisted minds and bodies.”

 I finished it off for him, because I knew as well as he. “The fruits of the Sprit—love, joy, and peace—will flow from us as living waters, because the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven on earth is love. This is the evidence of the Spirit. In this evidence, all will see: there goes one who knows God and walks in the eternal realm.”

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Stop Feeling Guilty and Just Be Little

Today I was reading Psalm 1 then Mat 13 about the parable of the sower and the different kinds of soil. Which soil am I?... 

I have almost always felt, when reading Scripture, that I fall short. Always reminded for how I fail to live up to the high standards of Biblical righteousness. The high standards of a God who is Holy. And I always feel guilty and sorrowful yet thankful that he loves me, died for me, chose me, and thus saves me because I believe in Him.

But also in reading Barry Adams book “The Kingdom Belongs to Little Children,” the chapter on comfort, something hit me this morning that is so cool.

I said I struggle feeling like I fall short all the time. I do, that is reality. But little children are short, right? They are supposed to be, that is their nature. That's what makes them kids. I am also, by nature, short,... and weak and needing help all the time in my relationship to God.

As parents we delight in helping our little children- “can't reach that toy on the shelf, I’ll get it for you.” “You fell down? Come here, Let me hold you.” We love doing this for our kids, it's our nature. It's God’s nature, too, with us even as adults.

I am supposed to be short. By nature I fall down, fall short, fail.  But rather than feel condemned and guilty every time I see the high standard or goal that I won’t reach this side of heaven, I am to simply call for Daddy to help me, to comfort me, to carry me, to protect me. And forgive me when I sin and do something wrong. Stop feeling guilty and just be a kid, “just be held” as the song says.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Sometimes I read things or listen to podcasts or videos that I feel I must share so that others may go deeper in their healing and thus deeper in their experience of God as Father loving them.

1. Paul Young, author of "The Shack," "Crossroads" and "Eve" speaks profoundly and openly about his painful journey into knowing who God is and how forgiveness frees us from what once kept us safe but now imprisons us.

2. I am reading Barry Adams, author of "Father's Love Letter" new book "The Kingdom Belongs to Little Children." Wow, profound yet simple, deep yet not a head experience but a heart journey. Listen again to Father's Love Letter:

Monday, April 18, 2016

Fun words from Heather, a recent guest at Father's Place of Rest

Hi Debbie and Allen!! 

I miss you!!!!  : )
How about that buzzer beater eh!!! Woo Hoo!! Villanova takes down the mighty NC! Who woulda thought!  

I think of y'all so often! I share lots of what God revealed to me in my time with you. I wish we lived closer to each other. Technology is pretty great though, cause there once was a time I would have to ride a horse to you for months to say hi to you my friend! My time with you has left an indelible print on my heart that will  forever be warmly wonderful and reminiscent of how good the Lord is in my life and how blessed we are. I have shared many a story from my time there. Whenever I say I got a Westjet refund...  : 0 attend The Father Heart gathering for a couple days is really a testament to others of God's heavenly intervention! : )   Peoples' response is always the same (jaw drop and disbelief that it never happens!)  It testifies to how He controls everything and cares about every detail as He leads us. 

I was so incredibly blessed to spend time at Father's Place of Rest! I can't tell you how many times, when I am getting overwhelmed or struggling, I can take deep breaths and simply remember, peacefully sitting on the porch, with a warm mug of tea, looking out on the water, and saying hi to passers by. Those memories bring me back to the comfort I came to know of God as Father. What an incredible gift in such a beautiful revelation!...

Did you know... as I drove away from your Chesapeake haven.... there was something in my heart, a sadness, a longing, a grief that I was already missing all of you, and being in community in my time there.

As I type, I wish we were sittin in the big chairs and sharing life....

Have I told you lately.... I MISS YOU! : )

Give each other hugs!  Love each other well!  Just as Papa does. 
Be so very thankful you have each other, to enjoy spending this life with.
I hope for that one day. 

Thank you again for such a wonderful welcome.
He rejuvenated me, blessed me, and restored parts of my heart,  as I spent time with you.

Love your Sistaaaaaa In Christ

Sometimes Allen gets asked about his doctoral studies and what I wrote my thesis on. From 1993-1996 I was studying the art and craft of Biblical preaching with Professor Haddon Robinson at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary when concurrently we were experiencing a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our local congregation in Suffern, New York. So I sought to understand the work of the Holy Spirit in the personal life of the preacher, in the act of preaching itself, and in the hearers' lives as they respond to the message. I researched a number of well-known preachers, from past centuries and in modern times, to learn what they did and how they experienced the power of the Spirit when they preached. Below is a link to my thesis. Volume two is a course designed for teaching preaching in the power of the Spirit. Note, this is an academic work and may not be "fun to read." But it does contain a bit of gold mine of research for the hungry student of preaching who seeks to have his/her preaching empowered by the Spirit of God.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Delivered from Anger and Hatred in Kyrgyzstan

Karakol Journal

Yesterday as we began, even coming out of the meeting with Pastor (    ) discussing plans for Osh and Bishkek, teaching felt like such an effort. Like there was a heaviness and and wet blanket over us. Nothing visible just a feeling. After dinner break Debbie led a personal deliverance of a young woman (  ). What a story. She reported that she was angry, wasn’t going to church anymore, hated her husband and child, that everything seems dark, that she felt very aggressive and basically ready to fight anyone and anything. You could literally see the hostility and aggressiveness in her eyes. It was a bit scary. 

While serving an 8 year prison term for killing her second husband she became a believer last year. She shared how she so felt the love of God that the world took on color and life, that she wanted to hug the whole world with the love of God. But soon after she came out she “backslid,” was looking for love and got involved with a married man who fathered her now 5 month old daughter. She left him and met the man who is now her husband and with whom she is now pregnant with her second child. This child resulted  from before their legal marriage 3 months ago. About that time she had attended church and brought her husband and he became a believer. But also about that time he took her to  a “fortune teller” to find out about her future and what she should do with her life. This is a fairly common practice here.  Immediately afterwards she began to hate her husband and 5 month old, her unborn child; she hated her church and pastor, and felt much rage and aggressiveness.

It was pretty obvious to the prayer team of five that she needed deliverance. But rather than immediately going after the demon we sought to remove the grounds it had by taking her through a time of repentance. One team member said she needed to repent but we sensed that wasn’t quite the timing. We asked her why she did what she did, especially her rampant sexual immorality. She shared she felt alone, that no one cared, that she was loveless. She had never known love from her parents, only abuse and hurt. Another team member who herself had similar experiences but had been radically delivered years ago poured love and compassion into her. Then Pastor (   ) shared a vision he had of a rock with two eyes on it and beams of light coming out like birds flying. The discernment was to not to focus on the birds/sins themselves but on the root cause. We then led her into an experience of God’s love as Father, assuring her she was never alone or unloved. We were led to hold her from the side as a father, with Father God loving her and calling her into relationship with Himself. We then asked her imagine she was holding her heart in her hands and to give it to Father. I sat beside her, she gave me her heart and then threw her arms around me in a huge Father’s embrace. I could  literally feel healing and love flowing into her.

 She then shared she wanted to be free of the guilt and shame so she repented of many things, one by one naming them and weeping over each one. She symbolically tore up several paper napkins and placed the pieces in a trash bag which we burned.  After these grounds were removed the team then went after the demon which clearly had entered from the fortune teller and other demons from other times in her life. At first it mocked with laughter, took her through contortions and resisted for a while, but then it came out when Debbie commanded them to bind together and then Debbie did a long, hard pull from her abdominal area. Immediately there was a massive change in her countenance.  God's love and profound peace were all over her. 

We truly saw the value of a team approach to deliverance and intercessors praying around the room and the class all participating by praying for us.  Every team member had vital input and spiritual gifts that God used to bring great healing and deliverance to this young woman. 

Next day journal

(  ) looks so peaceful and happy tonight. Did it give glory to God? YES she says. The team worked as a whole, no one person gets the glory for the work of God. The whole process pointed her to God. Her husband saw the difference in her and said he wants to be with us here in Dunamis.

Was it consistent with Scripture? Yes. (  ) said Mark 16 deliverance in his name, Luke 9 power and authority to cast out demons. The whole team loved Jesus and her.

Do other believers have a witness? “She was delivered, was sick inside and it was cast out”. “Jesus said freedom would come for captives and she was set free.” “Had not felt like this in a long time.” “Can see the joy in her now, light.” “Strong presence of God.” 

Is there verifiable evidence? Her change of attitude. From hostile to peace and joy. Her husband just came into the room. At dinner I spoke with her husband, who became a Christian just a few weeks ago and came tonight, our last night. I asked him about the difference in her. He said when she came home she was so gentle and kind, loving and caring. Before she had been so hostile and angry. He wants to know more. Wow, what a miracle. 

Sent from my iPad

On Jan 8, 2016, at 10:47 PM, Martin Boardman <> wrote:
Hey Allen,

That is a great idea and as you have seen from Cindy’s email something which we will be look at for the new year. I think some of this will also flow out of the Israel trip too.

I finally got the update out (I was sick at the beginning of the week and have been playing catch up ever since). Thank you for sharing the story of Ilnaura. Would it be possible for me to share that at the DFI laster this month as a story of what is happening in Kyrgyzstan?

As I pray for you and Debbie I continually get the sense of Father’s deep deep love for the people there. 



Martin Boardman
Mission Outreach Intercessory Prayer Coordinator
Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International