Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Stop Feeling Guilty and Just Be Little

Today I was reading Psalm 1 then Mat 13 about the parable of the sower and the different kinds of soil. Which soil am I?... 

I have almost always felt, when reading Scripture, that I fall short. Always reminded for how I fail to live up to the high standards of Biblical righteousness. The high standards of a God who is Holy. And I always feel guilty and sorrowful yet thankful that he loves me, died for me, chose me, and thus saves me because I believe in Him.

But also in reading Barry Adams book “The Kingdom Belongs to Little Children,” the chapter on comfort, something hit me this morning that is so cool.

I said I struggle feeling like I fall short all the time. I do, that is reality. But little children are short, right? They are supposed to be, that is their nature. That's what makes them kids. I am also, by nature, short,... and weak and needing help all the time in my relationship to God.

As parents we delight in helping our little children- “can't reach that toy on the shelf, I’ll get it for you.” “You fell down? Come here, Let me hold you.” We love doing this for our kids, it's our nature. It's God’s nature, too, with us even as adults.

I am supposed to be short. By nature I fall down, fall short, fail.  But rather than feel condemned and guilty every time I see the high standard or goal that I won’t reach this side of heaven, I am to simply call for Daddy to help me, to comfort me, to carry me, to protect me. And forgive me when I sin and do something wrong. Stop feeling guilty and just be a kid, “just be held” as the song says.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Sometimes I read things or listen to podcasts or videos that I feel I must share so that others may go deeper in their healing and thus deeper in their experience of God as Father loving them.

1. Paul Young, author of "The Shack," "Crossroads" and "Eve" speaks profoundly and openly about his painful journey into knowing who God is and how forgiveness frees us from what once kept us safe but now imprisons us.

2. I am reading Barry Adams, author of "Father's Love Letter" new book "The Kingdom Belongs to Little Children." Wow, profound yet simple, deep yet not a head experience but a heart journey. Listen again to Father's Love Letter: