Monday, April 18, 2016

Fun words from Heather, a recent guest at Father's Place of Rest

Hi Debbie and Allen!! 

I miss you!!!!  : )
How about that buzzer beater eh!!! Woo Hoo!! Villanova takes down the mighty NC! Who woulda thought!  

I think of y'all so often! I share lots of what God revealed to me in my time with you. I wish we lived closer to each other. Technology is pretty great though, cause there once was a time I would have to ride a horse to you for months to say hi to you my friend! My time with you has left an indelible print on my heart that will  forever be warmly wonderful and reminiscent of how good the Lord is in my life and how blessed we are. I have shared many a story from my time there. Whenever I say I got a Westjet refund...  : 0 attend The Father Heart gathering for a couple days is really a testament to others of God's heavenly intervention! : )   Peoples' response is always the same (jaw drop and disbelief that it never happens!)  It testifies to how He controls everything and cares about every detail as He leads us. 

I was so incredibly blessed to spend time at Father's Place of Rest! I can't tell you how many times, when I am getting overwhelmed or struggling, I can take deep breaths and simply remember, peacefully sitting on the porch, with a warm mug of tea, looking out on the water, and saying hi to passers by. Those memories bring me back to the comfort I came to know of God as Father. What an incredible gift in such a beautiful revelation!...

Did you know... as I drove away from your Chesapeake haven.... there was something in my heart, a sadness, a longing, a grief that I was already missing all of you, and being in community in my time there.

As I type, I wish we were sittin in the big chairs and sharing life....

Have I told you lately.... I MISS YOU! : )

Give each other hugs!  Love each other well!  Just as Papa does. 
Be so very thankful you have each other, to enjoy spending this life with.
I hope for that one day. 

Thank you again for such a wonderful welcome.
He rejuvenated me, blessed me, and restored parts of my heart,  as I spent time with you.

Love your Sistaaaaaa In Christ

Sometimes Allen gets asked about his doctoral studies and what I wrote my thesis on. From 1993-1996 I was studying the art and craft of Biblical preaching with Professor Haddon Robinson at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary when concurrently we were experiencing a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our local congregation in Suffern, New York. So I sought to understand the work of the Holy Spirit in the personal life of the preacher, in the act of preaching itself, and in the hearers' lives as they respond to the message. I researched a number of well-known preachers, from past centuries and in modern times, to learn what they did and how they experienced the power of the Spirit when they preached. Below is a link to my thesis. Volume two is a course designed for teaching preaching in the power of the Spirit. Note, this is an academic work and may not be "fun to read." But it does contain a bit of gold mine of research for the hungry student of preaching who seeks to have his/her preaching empowered by the Spirit of God.