by Annette Gearns and Tamera Brockman
The first “Encountering the Heart of the Father” conference took place in 2013 at the Community of the Cross in Black Mountain, North Carolina under the leadership of Allen and Debbie Kemp.
This event was the first of its kind for PRMI and focused on helping hurting people receive healing by encountering and connecting with God as a loving father who longs for intimacy and communication with His children. This event was recently (held in Bellingham, Washington, October 7-10, 2015) brought to the Northwest by the Kemps. Participants Annette Gearns and Tamera Brockman share:
Annette: I wanted to share what a marvelous experience I had of finally being able to run into the arms of my heavenly Father and for the first time ever feel SAFE! Allen & Debbie Kemp brought such a wonderful progressive teaching and prayerful guidance to revealing, healing, and receiving the Father’s love in a way I have not experienced before.
Tamera: Allen and Debbie Kemp used visual aids to help us open up scriptural truths about intimacy with Father God. This was most helpful to me- like having an illustration of the truth in the Bible. When they modeled how Father God was intimately close to us (Adam) at creation, cradling our head and leaning down to gently breathe life into us, I was emotionally experiencing part of the truth of Papa God’s love for me.”
Annette: As a team member here in the Northwest I have been privileged to work with an amazing group of gifted people. We have walked, prayed, and taught together for years, yet this conference brought even more. My personal thought is that this conference dealt with the emotional healing that we really do not have enough time for during the Healing Dunamis. We had the time to progressively walk through areas of our lives in much more depth. The process of healing was so personal and powerful that I was left utterly exhausted but totally free from memories and emotions that truly have kept me from the fullness of my heavenly Father.
Tamera: We learned…that as children we have disappointments with our parents, even with good parents, that cause us to lock up parts of our hearts where love cannot get in any more. So we spent time talking to God in private and forgiving them.
This is so that we could open our hearts up again and receive [God’s] love more fully. I was so surprised and freed to learn that what I had rejected or been disappointed by was the best expression of love that my father was able to give me! My emotions not only learned that my earthly father really loved me, they also experienced it!…This is a life changer!…This is something that I hope many others can experience- finding lost love that was meant for you and sent to you, but as kids we missed it or misunderstood it.
Annette: I can now truly call him “Abba”, my daddy. I have never been able to say that with comfort. I always have had a Father, but never a Daddy. I guess that would be the SAFE part for me. Daddy is my protector and I believe that He will never fail me and will always be there, never going away. I know my Daddy!
Tamera: Getting a hug from Father God was another lab time…After the Father’s hug I sat down and physically memorized the hug in my spirit and soul…I think the Holy Spirit was telling all of my body that God was a better protector than I was…Papa God showed me that He is safe to embrace and that He has always been my protector, but that I needed to relinquish my position of self-appointed guardian and come into His arms to experience all that He has to offer.
Annette: What a blessing this conference was to me and many others. Thank you Allen & Debbie!
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