As believers we can have great revelations of God’s truth, experience many outpourings of His power, and even many in-fillings of His love. But they often seem to be something we “forget” or something that escapes from us when we really want to hold on to it. Good memories are precious, perhaps that’s why so many recall “the good old days”so handily. But what this is really saying is that we need ongoing, repeated, ever increasing revelations, outpourings and in- fillings. Like a mother loving her son, a father his daughter, a husband his wife… God desires we live in an ongoing, increasingly and continuous delighting relationships of pure love, like Jesus did with His Father and His followers. This isn’t something we give up on. It’s heaven come to earth, His will being done here and now in us, as it is and will be in heaven. Loving and being loved, here and now.
Here’s some of the great final dialog from AD33 (page 349).
“Tell me, Saba,” I said, following his eyes. “How can one see the eternal realm of the Father here on earth?”
He nodded. “By placing your identity in Yeshua’s identity. Only then can you see the Way.” “And what is that Way that is so easily forgotten?”
Saba thought only a brief moment. “In any given moment, you, as the son, the daughter, of the Father, believe in and so are mastered by one of two perceptions of reality. One is seen in flesh—the passing system of the world, darkened by the knowledge of good and evil, deceiving and so enslaving all those sons and daughters who put their faith in it. The other realm is seen in the light, the eternal dimension of the Father flowing with love and power without grievance.”
He paused. “Yes?” “Yeshua, the second Adam, came as light into all darkness and undid what the first Adam did, restoring communion with the Father once more and making it possible for all who so choose to see in the light, and to know, as a child, their Father and his sovereign dimension of peace, power, and love, even now. This is eternal life—to know and so experience the Father and his eternal realm, now and beyond all time.”
My heart beat faster… I was eager to hear the rest. Saba continued. “Our journey is to now believe who we truly are, having been raised from the dark grave into that realm of light with and in Yeshua.”
He faced me. “Belief in Yeshua is this: identifying with him in his death, resurrection, and glory even now, he in you and you in him. Your true identity is this: you are the daughter of your Father, already made complete and whole, already at peace and full of power, though you often forget, each day, whenever you are blinded to your true identity and so search for and cling to whatever else might save you in this life.”
I smiled. Identity. It was all about our identity.
But Saba wasn’t done. He faced the desert again. “The only way to identify with your true identity is to let go of all other identities, and all offense that blocks your vision, and all vain imaginations of what else might fulfill you or save you from trouble in this life and that to come.”
“This is true surrender,” I said.
“Walking in the realm of the Father’s sovereign presence here on earth, we will find peace in the storms; we will walk on the troubled seas of our lives; we will not be poisoned by the lies of snakes; we will move mountains that appear insurmountable; we will heal all manner of sickness that has twisted minds and bodies.”
I finished it off for him, because I knew as well as he. “The fruits of the Sprit—love, joy, and peace—will flow from us as living waters, because the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven on earth is love. This is the evidence of the Spirit. In this evidence, all will see: there goes one who knows God and walks in the eternal realm.”